Sophia Hutson Wambach
Sophia Hutson WambachSophia Hutson WambachSophia Hutson Wambach

Sophia Hutson Wambach


My belief is that by exploring parts of self through creative activity, one can foster mindfulness, self-expression, cultivate personal strengths, and overcome barriers.

As a certified Therapeutic Art Coach, I offer workshops to senior living communities, such as haiku art journaling, senryu & tanka writing group, calligraphy, card making, flower arrangements, etc., to nurture personal growth, encourage collaboration, increase mental stimulation, form friendships, and transformative healing through the artwork created as a therapeutic tool. As a Memories in the Making art program facilitator, I worked with individuals having Alzheimer’s disease or other related dementias. Individuals with early stages of dementia can express themselves through the process of creating something, feel a sense of pleasure and accomplishment by engaging in the process of making art.